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Mobile App Development Hourly Rate Comparison Across the Continents: Make Sure You Get the Most Bang for Your Buck

Mobile App Development Hourly Rate Comparison Across the Continents: Make Sure You Get the Most Bang for Your Buck 

Before you hire app developer, you always scroll between the best options. Which one fits your budget the best. Mobile app development hourly rate usually depends on many factors – including past experience, qualifications, and locations.

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How much does it cost to hire an app developer?

With more and more businesses taking to the internet, a mobile app may be just what your business needs. A mobile app has become an essential part of any digital strategy regardless of the industry. From e-commerce to retail to travel, there is no better way to market your business than with an app. Online booking sites like Expedia are taking market share from hotels.

Let’s also mention the elephant in the room: the cost of hiring an app developer. Mobile app development cost per hour depends greatly on where the person or the on demand app development company is located.

While the cost of hiring an app developer might differ in the same region (for example, a US-based programmer in Seattle, WA can charge $150 per hour, while their counterparts in Chicago, IL might require $90 per hour), we usually don’t see such discrepancies across other continents.

Mobile app development hourly rate in North America

North America

The cost of mobile app development per hour is heavily dependent on when the app is being developed, as well as the platform it’s being developed for.

While many companies opt for an iOS or Android-based app, some choose a cross-platform option that can function on both platforms and potentially other devices, such as a smartwatch, while integrating or deepening their user experience with the internet or social media.

As you can see, we are talking numbers here. Average US app developers are worth $71,400 in terms of salary. Their Canadian colleagues about $4k lower than that. Of course, most of the US and CA devs charge in the range of $61-80 but vetted professionals charge well over $120.

Asia – is there a balance?

Asian Developer

Outsourcing to Asia may be significantly cheaper than outsourcing to Europe or North America, but the trade-off is quality. In India, for example, the cost per hour is $19. However, that level of affordability is often achieved at the expense of quality control.

Different from the West, where a large majority of companies have proven effective methods for developing and testing software and apps, it’s difficult for less developed countries to achieve the same level of success.

Vietnamese coders charge $20 on average. More expensive destinations where app developers can be found are in Singapore, China, and South Korea (about $30-35 per hour).

Latin America

South America

There are a plethora of benefits of outsourcing to Latin America. Similar time zones, professional services, and low cost. However, you should take note that prices might not be low enough in some areas, and their level of English is… well, low enough so that understanding might be an issue.

The cost in South America is equivalent and differentiates ever so slightly (Costa Rica and Panama are the only exceptions). Prices vary between $20-45, usually around mid $30s.

Western Europe

European Developer

As a rule, developers in Western Europe are in great demand, and therefore their rates on the labor market are slightly more expensive than their counterparts from Central and Eastern Europe. This happens because the demand in the labor market greatly exceeds the supply.

The average cost to hire a mobile developer in Germany is $45. Along with Switzerland (the hourly rate is approximately $51), Germany is the most expensive country to hire developers from.

Central and Eastern Europe (CEE)

The cost to hire a programmer from Central or Eastern Europe varies depending on your location and the location of the developer, but not by much. For example, a developer in the Czech Republic earns about $30 per hour, while one in Poland earns about $35, on average.

The cost in Hungary and Serbia is slightly lower. On the other hand, the cost to hire from countries like Ukraine and Belarus is substantially cheaper than Western European countries. ($27 and $26, respectively).


While mobile app development hourly rate which is inserted into a paystub generator depends on many factors, such as collaboration and work management skills, location arguably trumps all of the others, and if we have to choose one, Eastern Europe is probably the best place to find a balance between skills and affordable price. If you get lucky, you might even find an affordable developer educated at the American International College, who knows.

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