Laravel 9 has finally arrived after being postponed from September 2021 to February 9, 2022, due to scheduling conflicts. You may be aware that, with the release of Laravel 9, Laravel made the switch from quarterly to annual releases.
Every six months, significant releases were made, with minor updates occurring every three months. With this move, Laravel’s hire laravel developer team was challenged to deliver more powerful new features without making significant changes to the framework while also reducing the maintenance burden on the community.
Due to the dedication to delivering excellent new features during the current release, subsequent major releases will likely be utilized mostly for “maintenance” duties such as updating upstream dependencies.
We accomplish this by installing the version of the software that is currently under development rather than the most recent stable version. Take a look at the following commands:
#Installation of the latest version: laravel new project-name
#Installation of the development version: laravel new project-name -dev
It is possible to verify the version installed by using the PHP artisan -version command within the project; this will display the precise version number that we are currently working on in the terminal. You will be able to test the new version before it is officially released in this manner.
With the enhancements made in Laravel 8.x, Laravel 9 continues on the legacy of Laravel 8.
There is a route:list, Flysystem 3.0, support for Symfony 6.0 components, Symfony Mailer, a Laravel Scout database driver, new Eloquent switch/access syntax, implicit route bindings via Enums, and a number of bug fixes and usability improvements in this release. Here is a rundown!
Here Is What Laravel 9 Brings to the Table:
- Laravel 9 will be compatible with PHP versions 8 and higher.
- Swift Mailer, the former email system, has been archived, and Symfony Mailer has been installed in its place.
- For this reason, if you want to upgrade from Laravel 8 to Laravel 9, you must delete this component from the root of the application and replace it with the current branch by running the Composer need Symfony/mailer.
- The file manipulation system has also been modified, and it will now be version 3 rather than version 1 as it has been in previous versions.
- Laravel 9 will allow us to declare the well-known accessors and mutators in a single and unique method; this is a syntax change that will enable us to write less code in our entity classes and controllers.
- Enums are used in routes and thus necessitates the creation of a new validation layer, which requires that the route conforms with a valid enum or else it will return an HTTP 404 response.
- When working with Laravel 9, we may establish a standard controller for a group of routes, hence the term “route group of the controller.” In fact, this functionality is so useful that it was also developed to be available in Laravel 8.
- It is possible to add the ->fullText() function to our text columns, which will result in the creation of an index, which will then allow us to make queries using the whereFullText() and orWhereFullText() methods.
- These indexes will assist us in searching over texts by providing a high degree of similarity and matching while simultaneously enhancing the performance of a query.
Semantic Versioning:
Using the command php artisan –version, we can see a result in the terminal with the following format: When we use the command php artist, we can see an impact in the terminal with the following format: Laravel Framework 8.81.0
Note that we receive three integers with an intriguing and specific meaning; this is referred to as friendly versioning, semantic versioning, or simply “semantic versions” in some circles. The goal at this point is to resolve the issue and minimize the danger of the system becoming unusable during the upgrade.
Laravel itself is a massive dependency tree, which is the most efficient way to flow when dealing with an extensive system. By using this strategy, new releases become less strict, and the risk of breaking due to compatibility concerns is reduced to the greatest extent possible.
To put it another way, Laravel is a system dependent on a large number of components and requires a user-friendly version control system to cope with this fact effectively. The goal is to make it simple to safely move on with our projects and update them without encountering any difficulties.
The Bottom Line
When it comes to making significant advancements in the programming industry, Laravel continues to push the envelope at a rapid pace. This library continues to improve with each new version, making things a great deal less complicated for web application developers worldwide. We have no idea what Laravel 10 will bring, even though it is a year away in the future.
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