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Top 5 CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5 Yum Repositories

Top 5 CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5 Yum Repositories 

YUM ( Yellowdog Updater, Modified ) is a GNU General Public License command-line package management tool for RPM-based Linux systems. Yum is helpful for RPMs that have dependencies because it scans all available repositories for all dependencies in every RPM.

Top 5 Yum Repositories

The top 5 yum repositories for RHEL based systems (RPMFusin, EPEL, REMI, ELRepo, Webtatic) with installation links, which we need to keep our system up to date with the latest packages, are listed below. The majority of the RPMs available for servers can be found in these repositories.

1. Adding RPMFusin Repository

The RPM Fusion repository contains packages that are not used in Fedora or Red Hat releases. Depending on your system OS version, you can add the RPMFusion yum repository by running the commands below.

2. Adding EPEL Repository

EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) is a community that manages a list of the most recent packages. It also includes additional packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS, Scientific Linux (SL), and Oracle Linux (OL).

Install the EPEL yum repository on your CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5 systems using the commands below.

3. Adding REMI Repository

REMI is also a valuable yum repository for Enterprise Linux systems that includes modified packages. Install the REMI yum repository on your CentOS/RHEL 7/6 and Fedora 28/27/26/25/24 systems with the commands below.

4. Adding ELRepo Repository

ELRepo is an Enterprise Linux package repository that uses RPMs. It is compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and its derivatives such as CentOS, Scientific Linux, and others. This project focuses on hardware-related packages that will improve the Enterprise Linux experience. Filesystem drivers, graphics drivers, network drivers, sound drivers, webcam, and video drivers are all examples of this.

5. Adding Webtatic Repository

Webtatic is a yum repository that contains web hosting-related packages that are not included in the CentOS/RHEL repositories. To install the REMI yum repository on your CentOS/RHEL 7/6/5 systems, run one of the commands below.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. Read the next post to learn How to Keep CentOS, RHEL, and Fedora Systems Up to Date.

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